Brooke Hoogendoorn is from New Iberia, Louisiana. She takes great pride in being a self taught artist having taken her only painting class her senior year in high school. Brooke was always thought of as an artistic person. Over ten years ago, she took on specialty painting, treating walls and pieces of furniture as their own piece of art. She painted on reclaimed materials as well as canvas, experimenting and developing her own unique style influenced by the culture of South Louisiana. From that point, her artistic expressions grew. Over the last few years she has continued to experiment with different styles of artwork, slowly growing towards the freedom of abstracts. She enjoys the variety that abstract painting brings by blending colors and shapes to create a visual experience.
She has been a fixture at the Big Easel Artwalk in Lafayette for the last several years, and continuously shows her work at Entre Nous and Muse of Lafayette, Louisiana, Contemporain Bankstown/Adams Gallery in Baton Rouge, Louisiana and VIEW GALLERY in Jackson, Mississippi. She currently resides in Lafayette, Louisiana, with her husband and two children.